Actually wanted to share something. There’s many teens and young people like me or those in their early 20s worrying about their future. Except i do have specific plans, multiple, but for others not so much.
My only advice is just find a job most suitable for u and do it. Ur not gonna work there forever, it’s just something to start with and gives u more experience to add to ur resume, leading u to better jobs. Plus, u may like what u do without realizing it, or maybe ur good at it.
Someone i know has a problem with quitting jobs because of coworkers and that’s understandable, but only to some degree. U ARE supposed to interact with them and work together best as u can, but fact is ur not there to make friends. If u do, that’s great cuz u got more opportunities to socialize, but u get my point.
But don’t blame urself for not knowing what to do cuz that’s all we’ve been forced to think. It’s normal not to know.
Seriously, i had a 16 yr old vent to me for advice when i was 15 cuz they didn’t know what to do. I told them this same thing and they go, “Bro i’m literally turning 17 💀” bro, that doesn’t mean shit.
Trust me man, ur negative mindset doesn’t JUST affect u. Ooouurrgghh