Goth music really is that good. I’m just not one for labels and have never bothered to go for a certain style [and given that there seems to be “rules”] it doesn’t feel necessary to me. And i’ll listen to whatever sounds good to me lol i don’t exactly have any favorites but ive definitely been digging the goth music. Goth in general, i have a lot of respect towards the goth community and the various goth styles out there, i think its rad how unique it is.
U have no idea how obsessed i am with old churches and CATHEDRALS of all things, oh of ALL THINGS!!! I often scroll thru websites selling old churches just to admire them. Then u got that vampire stuff goin on and yknow, i think it’s fair to mention the Addams Family lmao. I think i’ll say goth has definitely had an influence in me and i take a lot of inspiration from it. But it’s not to say i know the history or the things in the community so i can’t speak for them, but muah to the style. The emo style is also real cool and i particularly like the art style but ive never really felt that drawn to it, ya know?
Do trust if im ever doing a club it’s more than likely gooootta be a goth club. I would mention wanting to go to a KMFDM concert but i really wouldn’t mind if those guys stopped doing shows overall cuz god DAMN 40 yrs? Fuck. But maybe….big big sigh.
Also only now found out their album Opium was actually made in 1984 than what i originally thought, that’s sick tho it’s one of my favorites. Good to play on ur TV while drawing in bed.
Looovee to the goth community tho, i wouldn’t mind some music recommendations. Even tho i picked a few out of Picos music taste, well i am a fan aren’t i?